Ever heard about “scole”? If you live outside Pistoia probably not, as it is a very special kind of sweet bread produced only by Pistoia’s bakeries during Easter time.

Some of my friends who live just ten kilometres far from Pistoia didn’t know about them : really, they have never heard about them ! So I understood it is really a very particular,original kind of product typical of my own area .
They look like little rolls with some raisins, aniseed in bread dough with some sugar, one egg and a bit of butter. These little soft goodies have a special , light yummy scent and taste : they are perfect for breakfast with hot milk or with a cup of tea or coffee or as a snack in the afternoon for adult as well as children.
In the past, as for boiled eggs, we were used to bring them to the church during the Easter mass to be blessed by the priest, nowadays we just buy them and eat as they are and we can find them even after Easter until before summer time.
I have always bought them by many different bakeries to try to find out the best ones, but this year, as we were still in lockdown, I wanted to try to make them at home and my daughter Francesca did them.
All my friends loved them and so I thought I had to share this particular delight with you, my friends from all over the world!
Do you have something similar in your town? which name they have? Please let me know if there are some other products that remind you this from Pistoia it will be so nice to know about them!
In case you want to try to do them – very very easy ! – just send me a message and will give you the recipe 😉 Enjoy my pictures sorry I can’t let you smell the lovely scent they have but you have to visit “my Pistoia” to discover it!